
When The Person You Think You Know Does Not Exist

Who is he…
His Words! His Voice!
You Decide!

To me, he’s a PREDATOR…Not in a “men are supposed to hunt” way….

Why am I Sharing This?

On this site you will see screen shots, hear audio, and read my experiences and findings. These are based wholly on my experiences and learned knowledge in dealing with R and partially through communication with others who have known him. Their shared experiences align with my experiences. If you see allegedly, it’s not that it’s false, but you know the drill.

I have no doubt R will come after me as his image is his everything. Nonetheless, if he chooses to to do so more information & details are prepped to go with directions for release including what I have learned about his father who seems like a nice guy; but I have learned through multiple encounters he is just as manipulative and nasty. 

 For starters *MIRAGE is the name I have given the character R plays for people who have not yet learned who he truly is at his core. Once I realized that the person I thought was R was Mirage, I knew that I wanted to be a resource to those that could be victims to the mask of Mirage, but I did not know how as I knew R  would work overtime to hide the truth and hide me. Additionally, I like my peace!

However, every time that I decided not to pursue sharing my experiences with R, he continued to show how underhanded he is. I do not care what he tells others about me (que Chrisette Michelle “Blame it on me”). I decided to share after he decided time and time again to lie to the courts about me and his own actions in order to protect his image from his reality and for him to get access to a son that he had not tried to access without my prodding but once (and he saw him that once) prior to my filing of child support papers. What I have seen as a disregard for our son as an individual, has increased this push to share my truth. 

This is R (mid) with his brother and Father (I don’t think this is on his social media to date). Compare the background to the pic above from his social media.  Photo shoot at one of his now deceased producers home studio.

There are multiple stories that he tells to paint himself as a Victim.

I experienced him doing this to his ex and others in his life, so I knew he was going to do the same to me. 

He has continuously done it in court; and there is no doubt that he will ramp up efforts to be seen as the victim to anyone who will listen as a means to deflect from the information you will see here. I have documentation either way he decides to twist the story.

The lies can sound true because there is a piece of truth in every fictitious story I have heard from him….that’s how I have seen him remember and believe his own lies. When I am in the room and hear the lies from his mouth his body tells on him because he knows I know, and fears being called out by me. 

There is so much that I could go into now with years worth of evidence, however, that is not the purpose….. But let’s cover some….


I thought R was at his heart a great person but had some hurts, because I knew the things he said had nothing to do with me but sounded as if it was connected to his ex wife (based on R’s shared narrative) and the things he found problems with were not things worth batting an eye at. I excused the behaviors because Mirage was this “great guy” outside of that. Giving me little moments here and there that seemingly solidified who I believed he was. 

I adjusted every time he seemed to find a problem and tried to do things differently, but to no avail. Eventually, I was questioning many of my movements and padding my words, but it made no difference. Parts of me had been silenced and I did not  realize it happened. He was finding problems within himself and it was torture for him to accept that responsibility so he placed it on everyone but himself- mostly on me. Once I knew all of the pieces as I was nearly set to move out,  I told him who I know him to be. Thereafter, he decided to create a narrative to fit the storyline that he now tells; at this point I did cuss him out for the very first time in over 4 years and do not regret it (I maybe should have chose different words, but I still stand behind the meaning of those words for me at that time). I came to learn that all that he does is to fulfill his own desires and over everything maintain an image to keep people liking him and close to use as he sees fit. But they end up liking *Mirage. 

11272017 Perception vs. Reality and how he treats me


I informed him I was moving out following months of guidance from religious leaders and trying to find a way to co-exist with him.

I stayed as long as I did because the religious leaders I consulted with told me I could not divorce him and their guidance created this belief that I had to try and work it out. I now know that is not true.